Musings on how clever a Virus is at Taking Over your Body
Over the last couple of years I have done lots of research on viruses and how they enter your body and then how they manage to spread through your system. It’s been fascinating.
I’ve used this research to help women that I work with to manage their symptoms and have the very best outcomes.
I feel very blessed not to have had Covid at the start of the outbreak a couple of years ago, I know the variants then were a lot stronger and more life threatening. I helped many people with recovery and with dealing with long covid even covid induced diabetes — all with positive results.
So when covid arrived in my body this week I was ready for it. I knew what I would have to concentrate on and how clever it would be — making me crave sugar — so that it could propel and multiply through my body on my blood sugar — that’s how Viruses spread internally.
My goodness that was real — I had cravings like I hadn’t had for years for refined sugars — it took all my will power to resist asking for a shop drop full of chocolate! But I managed it. Ate dates and organic peanut butter, olives (they neutralise sugar cravings). made the tastiest soups and ate as fresh as I could with what I had in my fridge and larder.
I LOVE water, it’s my go to drink nowadays and I always have my bottle beside me (I have a rose quartz crystal in it — not necessary but definitely nice 🥰). But the taste of water had changed it wasn’t as refreshing and I had to force myself to drink it, but drink it I did, litres of it.
I fasted for as long as I normally do — I naturally fast 18 sometimes 20 hours a day simply listening to my body and knowing when I’m actually hungry but this was being thrown off, I ‘felt’ hungry many days a lot earlier. Admittedly I did succumb on one day but felt awful afterwards, indigestion as my body wasn’t used to eating early and I immediately felt bloated and very tired after eating.
When you eat intuitively, listening to your body, when something alien comes into it it’s difficult to differentiate between — what your body is telling you it’s needing and what the virus is telling you it’s needing, so I just remembered my research and how clever this virus is at sabotaging your life and taking over your body. I dropped deep into what my actual body needed.
I’ve been ‘lucky’, I haven’t become really ill, it hasn’t even felt like a cold certainly not flu. I’ve been tired and mostly my brain has been very foggy, my memory totally distorted and in some cases non existent. So I have rested, not pushed myself. Last night I felt the virus lift — after having a longer than normal shower.
Day 5 today and I feel pretty much ‘normal’ I know there isn’t much of it left in my body. Im still testing positive. I am going to continue taking it easy, fasting as I normally do — I know the autophagy I go into every day cleans my cells at the deepest levels get rid of the damaged ones and even regenerating those that it can. What an absolute gift for my body.
I thank the universe for fasting, for allowing me to consciously cleanse my body every day and giving me the chance to heal all the damage that I had done to it in my lifetime.
If I look at my previous lifestyle — I had been a smoker for most of my life until a few years ago — I haven’t developed any kind of cough with this virus which is nothing short of a miracle.
My liver function is normal after testing as abnormal for decades.
Arthritis left my body which is supposed to be impossible — well it is possible, I’m walking the Camino this year and walk briskly with ease everyday.
My energy is high for a woman in her 60’s and I’ve managed to get through this horrid virus with ease.
Yes we can heal ourselves with ease, we don’t have to hard things we simply have to break habits and install new ones, one step at a time.